children dentist Akron, OH /children dentist Cleveland, OH

Milton Ntragatakis, DDS, MSD

Brittany Heffernan, DDS

Eilish Welsh, DMD

Derek Demianczyk, DMD

Pediatric Dentists


Zachary Lawrence, DMD, MSD



1824 Pearl Road

Brunswick, Ohio 44212 [map]

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A Beautiful Smile Makes all the Difference!

We offer Pediatric Dentistry and Braces for Kids and Teens

The American Association for Orthodontists recommends that every child have an orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7.


Early detection and treatment gives your child the edge - a much better chance for natural and normal development.  One advantage of having Dr. Milton, Dr. Brittany, Dr. Derek, Dr. Eilish and Dr. Zach for your child’s dental home is that we monitor their growth & development on a regular basis. Our parents truly appreciate having orthodontic treatment done in our office.  This allows them to coordinate cleaning and check-up appointments with orthodontic appointments. By working with the natural growth instead of against it, we can prevent problems from becoming worse, and give your child a lifetime of healthy smiles!

Ask Us About a Complimentary Orthodontic Consultation for

Your Child or Teen!

Ask Us About a Complimentary Orthodontic Consultation for

Your Child or Teen!